A person should only inject testosterone according to their prescribed dosage. While it can be tempting to take extra doses after experiencing positive results from testosterone therapy, doing so could have adverse effects on one’s health.
Many men start hormone replacement therapy to address their declining testosterone levels as they age. With the correct dosage, one can expect to see an increase in their energy levels, a boost in their sexual stamina, and a positive self-image. However, with the incorrect dosage, a man can suffer from health complications that can impact his quality of life.
If one has any questions regarding how often he should inject testosterone, he should consider speaking with a HealthGAINS wellness provider.
What Can Happen if a Man Takes Too Much Testosterone
Testosterone is a hormone. If a person’s levels are too high or too low, there can be significant health consequences. Some athletes misuse testosterone and other substances in an attempt to get an unfair competitive advantage; people who do this risk their health.
Here are a few examples of what can happen when a man misuses the hormone to get abnormally high testosterone levels, according to Harvard Health Publishing.
- He can become impotent.
- His testicles can shrink, leading to a low sperm count.
- His heart muscles can get damaged, increasing the risk of a heart attack.
- His prostate can enlarge, making it difficult to urinate.
- He can develop liver disease.
- He can have a higher risk of blood clots.
- He can experience high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels.
- He can have extreme mood swings and feel out of control emotionally.
These are just a few examples of the many adverse consequences a man can experience from taking too much testosterone. So, for those men asking how often they can inject testosterone, they should refer to the instructions they received with their prescription.
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Symptoms of a Testosterone Deficiency
Just as extremely high testosterone levels can cause problems for a man, deficient levels of testosterone are also unhealthy.
The Mayo Clinic says that a man might have low testosterone levels if he has some of these symptoms:
- His motivation, confidence, or energy levels decrease.
- He finds it difficult to concentrate.
- His muscle bulk diminishes, along with his strength.
- The amount of his body fat increases.
- He has insomnia or other sleep disturbances.
- His bones become less dense and more fragile.
- He has less sexual desire (libido) and becomes less sexually active.
- He develops erectile dysfunction.
- He has mood changes, like depression or anxiety.
- He develops a mild case of anemia with no other known cause.
When a man undergoes these changes, he can feel defeated and hopeless. These symptoms often get mistaken for ordinary aging. Granted, sometimes the passage of time can lead to some of these problems, but a testosterone deficiency could be the underlying cause.
Getting older is not a treatable condition, but a testosterone deficiency is. Many of these symptoms can improve with hormone replacement therapy. It is up to the individual to decide whether he wants to accept these problems as part of his life or do something about them.
How Testosterone Works in the Body
Men need this essential hormone throughout their lives for various body systems to develop and perform correctly. Boys cannot undergo puberty without sufficient testosterone levels.
According to information provided by Mayo Clinic, the brain tells the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain, that the body needs testosterone. The pituitary transmits this information to the testes, which make testosterone. The hypothalamus also gets involved in the signaling and production of the hormone. If there is a malfunction in the brain, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, testes, or the communication between them, the result can be a testosterone deficiency.
Decreased Hormone Levels in Men and Women
Most men experience their highest levels of testosterone in their late teens and early twenties, according to Harvard Health Publishing. From that point, testosterone levels can slowly decrease with each passing year. Unlike women, who experience a rapid decrease in hormone levels, it can take decades for a man to notice the effects of gradually diminishing testosterone levels.
Some men in their thirties notice lower energy levels than they had earlier in life. By the time he reaches his forties and fifties, a man might find that low testosterone levels affect his daily activities and motivation.
While a testosterone deficiency generally happens over a period of many years in men, for some men, the decrease occurs rapidly. When this happens, a man should get a medical evaluation. Some medical conditions, like testicular cancer, can cause a testosterone deficiency to develop quickly. Also, some medical treatments, like chemotherapy or radiation, can also lower testosterone levels.
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Contact HealthGAINS Today to Learn More
The only way to get testosterone therapy in the United States without breaking the law is by a prescription from a doctor. Even if a personal trainer at the gym claims to have a contact who can provide it at a cut-rate price, going that route would not only be illegal, but it could endanger one’s health and wellness.
Testosterone therapy is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. However, when one receives treatment from HealthGAINS, one of their wellness providers can evaluate a man’s health condition and determine if hormone replacement therapy is an option.
People interested in learning more can contact HealthGAINS at (305) 912-8828.
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