We know how it is. You think you have low testosterone (low T), and you have the flagging sex life to prove it. You might even have erectile dysfunction (ED). You catch sight of some over-the-counter medication that promises to restore your sexual power.
If you see this ingredient on a bottle, it’s another word for blister beetle or Spanish fly. The beetle gets its name from the blisters its venom can cause. For centuries, people have believed that a crushed, dried powder of these beetles was an aphrodisiac.
Spanish Fly is an irritant. Consuming too much of this poisonous beetle can cause blistering, diarrhea and painful swelling of the genitals. That doesn’t sound like fun.
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Sildenafil is the generic name for the active ingredient in Viagra®. You can now buy it over the counter, but is it a good idea? Taking any medication without a doctor’s prescription is always a risk. You don’t know what the right dose is for your age, weight and condition. You also don’t know if you fall into one of the many high-risk groups who should not take Viagra.
Sildanefil has a long list of possible side effects including headaches, flushing, muscle pain, bladder pain, dizziness, indigestion, impaired vision and painful urination.
That said, it can help if you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction, but you should take it under a doctor’s supervision.
Ginseng is an herb that’s popular in many Asian healing remedies. There are several tyeps of ginseng, but the two you’re more likely to find here are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng).
Practitioners of traditional medicine frequently tout ginseng’s ability to fight diseases, give you mental focus and improve memory. Most herbalists sell Asian ginseng as a stimulant. They market American ginseng as a relaxant.
There is substantial clinical proof for some of those claims. Studies have found that taking ginseng allowed students to concentrate better while reducing their anxiety. Other studies have found it can improve memory even in people with Alzheimer’s. Research has also found it can reduce inflammation and fight disease.
Ginseng is great stuff, but will it fix your low testosterone levels? No, it probably won’t.
Will it fix erectile dysfunction? Some studies seem to suggest it might, but don’t rush out to buy it. The most promising study of ginseng on ED said, “No complete remission of erectile dysfunction was noted, but partial responses were reported.”
Is partial good enough for you? We didn’t think so.
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Horny Goat Weed
This is another herb supplement you may have seen on the shelves. Traditional medical practitioners have prescribed it for centuries to treat low libido and erectile dysfunction. In China, both men and women drink tea made from its roots.
People who sell this supplement claim it can cure age related low testosterone. They also say it’s a natural cure for ED.
Is there any evidence to back up those claims? Researchers have concluded it can increase blood flow to the penis, but it’s not a cure for ED.
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What’s a Safe Testosterone Therapy That Works?
If you’re tired of junk treatments that don’t work, forget the pills from questionable sources. It’s time to try the best, safest and fastest-acting testosterone therapy available.
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has no side effects. It’s a natural hormone your body produces. With this safe testosterone therapy, you’re replacing the levels of this hormone that time, age and illness have taken away.
What Are the Benefits of TRT?
Our treatment uses safe, pure biodentical hormones just like the ones your body makes naturally. Increasing your T levels has many benefits.
High T levels can help you:
- Increase muscle mass when you work out.
- Improve your sexual performance.
- Sleep restfully.
- Improve your mental focus.
- Build strong bones.
- Have more endurance at work and at play.
- Feel youthful and vigorous.
Will This Treatment Work on Age Related Low Testosterone?
It will work on low T levels caused by anything, including age or illness. Your body’s natural T levels drop every year. Some lifestyle changes can keep them from dropping too low, but only our safe, natural testosterone therapy can give you the results you want.
Get Those Feelings Back With Testosterone Therapy
If you’re ready to look and feel your best, make an appointment today. Don’t live with low testosterone. We’ll show you how easy it is to get your youthful vigor back. You can make it happen with TRT treatments.
Call us at (305) 682-1818 to get started today.
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