Once you reach your full adult height, growth hormone will not make you taller. You might be able to develop more muscle mass with human growth hormone (HGH). Also, you might be able to lose stubborn body fat thanks to HGH. Overall, people tend to look leaner and more fit with HGH treatments.
You might find products sold online that claim to make you grow taller in your late twenties or thirties, but there is no scientific evidence that these items work. Some people claim that if you buy their program of stretching, meditation, potions, or powders, you can grow several inches in a few days. Always remember that if something sounds too good to be true (like can growth hormone make you bigger and taller in unnatural ways) it probably is.
How HGH Affects Bones and Muscles
You might have thought that your grandparents shrunk as they got older. Some people do lose height as they age. You can lose bone density over time and develop osteoporosis. The discs between the vertebrae can shrink, causing a loss of height.
Your muscles can lose some mass, making you look smaller and frail.
The answer to the question of can growth hormones makes you bigger is that it may be able to help with the various signs of aging related to a decrease in your body’s HGH production. HGH can help preserve and increase your bone density, making you less at risk for fractures and a weakened skeletal structure. Growth hormone can help you to build more lean muscle and burn off excess fat. As your bones and muscles strengthen, you can maintain correct posture and carry yourself at your full height instead of slouching.
A person with a lean, athletic build will look bigger than someone of the same height who is weak and flabby. With a strong core, you can maintain your height and posture.
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Additional Benefits of HGH
Age management doctors have been using growth hormone treatments for decades to help people live better lives as the years roll past. You do not have to slink off to the sidelines after a certain number of birthdays or feel too tired to enjoy being active. An alternative to the question of can growth hormones make you bigger is whether it can improve your quality of life and help you be at your most attractive.
When you work hard to achieve success, you want to enjoy the rewards of your labor. Patients report these benefits of HGH therapy:
- They can lose weight and maintain their goal weight more easily.
- Their workouts tend to build more lean muscle than before they started the HGH injections.
- They have the energy to tackle whatever challenges their days throw at them.
- They have better self-esteem and more confidence.
- They sleep soundly and wake up rested and ready for the day.
- Their sexual performance improves.
- Their metabolism does a better job of breaking down fats and carbohydrates.
People also report these positive medical outcomes with HGH injections:
- Lower blood pressure
- Healthier cholesterol numbers
- Less insulin resistance
- Lower body fat amount
- Less risk of cardiovascular disease
People respond to HGH therapy differently, depending on several factors like their underlying medical conditions. You should not undergo a “generic” growth hormone plan or guess at how much HGH you need.
At HealthGAINS, we run a series of diagnostic tests and lab work on every patient. We use this information to craft a customized treatment plan to optimize your results.
We use bioidentical hormones in our therapy. “Bioidentical” means that, at a molecular level, the HGH injections we administer are the same as the growth hormone in the body. Your body cannot tell the difference between the growth hormone your pituitary makes and the HGH injections. This fact contributes to the effectiveness of the therapy.
Signs That You Might Have Low Growth Hormone Levels
The body makes growth hormone even before birth, so that the individual can grow from a baby to an adult. Your body still needs growth hormone in adulthood to maintain healthy cells and perform vital functions.
There are changes in pituitary function with aging, usually beginning around age 30. The production of growth hormone decreases a little every year. Over time, a person’s HGH levels can be much lower than during youth.
Low HGH levels can make a person look and feel older. For example, indications of low growth hormone levels include:
- Skin that sags and has poor tone
- Becoming flabby instead of physically fit
- Trouble in the bedroom
- Decreased interest in sex
- Hair loss
- Brittle bones that increase your risk of fractures
- Smaller muscles
- Feeling exhausted much of the time
- Experiencing depression and sadness
- Having low self-esteem
- Weight gain, despite heaving healthy habits
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you might want to get evaluated for low HGH levels. We perform a thorough assessment of our patients, including lab work and diagnostic testing. We use the data to customize your treatment plan to be safe and effective.
You do not have to accept the signs of old age. If you want to look and feel younger, HGH injections might help.
You can talk with an advisor at no charge. Call HealthGAINS today at (305) 912-8828 – for your free consultation. You can get back in the game. A better life can start with one phone call.
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