What defines too much sex? You may have heard the expression “too much of a good thing”. It’s kind of easy to see how that expression can apply to chocolate, or maybe a fine aged Scotch Whiskey.
But can it apply to sex? Is there such a thing as having too much sex?
A research study recently published by Carnegie Mellon University, suggests the answer may be “yes”.
There is no “magic number” as in more than “X” amount of times per week is “too much,” but, according to the study, couples who engage in sexual activity very often run the risk of their sex lives becoming boring, as well as other problems.
How Much Sex is Too Much Sex?
The study took a look at a group of married couples who said they had sex at least once per month, but no more than three times per week. Then they split them into two even groups.
The researchers told one group of couples to double the amount of times they had sex per month, the others to remain the same.
After three months the couples that had increased the frequency of sexual activity reported having less desire for sex, then they had before the experiment.
The researchers concluded that improving your sex life, for monogamous couples, is more about intimacy. Getting creative with your sex life is more important than simply increasing the regularity of sexual encounters.
In addition to this study, there have been other indications that too much sex can be a problem. There are documented cases of nymphomania, and hypersexuality, or so-called “sex addiction.”
So how much sex is too much sex?
The first ways to tell if you are having sex excessively are purely physical. If you are having pain “down there,” man or woman, you may be having sex too often — give yourself a chance to heal.
As the Carnegie Mellon researchers found, if your sex life seems boring, unfulfilling, or has gotten too routine, you may be having sex too often.
For a free consultation, call (305) 682-1818
When Too Much Sex is not the Problem
We have established that it is technically possible to have too much sex. But, what if you are among the thousands of men and women for whom just the opposite is true?
What if you feel you are not having sex often enough due to lack of desire or performance issues?
We all know that as we start to reach our 40’s, your sex life may not be what it was in your 20’s. For guys 35 and over, you may begin to notice it’s becoming more difficult to get an erection, maintain an erection, or that interval between erections is getting longer.
And, it really does not take growing older to experience sexual wellness issues. Kids, work, other stresses of daily life can all affect your ability to perform sexually, no matter how old you are.
If your sex life is not what you think it should be, there is help available. I have developed an all-natural, safe and effective sexual wellness treatment that can give both men and women a bit of a bedroom boost!
It’s called the Gains Enhancement, and it uses the healing and growth factors in your own blood to revitalize your sex life! The secret is something called Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP.
The men I have treated with the Gains Enhancement tell me they are having some of the best sex of their lives. Erectile difficulties have been completely eliminated, and many men also experience the added bonus of increased penis size!
The results in both men and women can last for up to one year!
Call or text (305) 682-1818 or complete a Free Consultation Form