A thyroidectomy is the partial or complete removal of the thyroid gland. You may be wondering how long thyroid hormone stays in the body after a thyroidectomy. Such a procedure almost always leads to a reduction in the amount of thyroid hormone that the body produces, but it typically takes up to two months before lingering thyroid hormone leaves the body after the procedure, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
The effects of thyroidectomy can take a serious toll on your health, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy is intended to mitigate these effects. If you have had a thyroidectomy and are experiencing the effects of an underactive thyroid, consider whether you could be a candidate for thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy May Counteract Thyroidectomy Effects
Whether you have had some or all of your thyroid removed in a thyroidectomy procedure, you are likely to experience the impact of a diminished thyroid gland, and you may be wondering how long the thyroid hormone stays in your body.
When you have some or all of the thyroid removed, the gland simply does not have the capacity to function as it once did. Experiencing adverse health effects is only logical, but these effects are not something you have to simply accept. Once you are aware of the role your thyroid plays in your health, you can better understand the benefits of thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
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The Thyroid is Indispensable to Human Health
The thyroid gland is located in our neck, and it is responsible for the creation of hormones that are critical to our health. According to Mayo Clinic, they are:
- Triiodothyronine, (T3)
- Tetraiodothyronine, (T4)
These and other hormones that come out of the thyroid gland stimulate our body to action, and they play a role in critical aspects of our health such as regulating our metabolism. An underactive thyroid is defined medically as hypothyroidism, and the ailment sets our health completely off course in a way that could lead to serious health effects and even early death.
Do Not Underestimate the Impact of Hypothyroidism
There is no overstating the importance of the thyroid gland. It controls our biological function to such a degree that an unhealthy thyroid impacts virtually all locations in the human body.
To understand the severity of hypothyroidism, just look at the symptoms according to Mayo Clinic:
- Aching muscles
- Gaining weight
- Lack of energy
- Thinning hair
- Abnormal cold sensitivity
- Depression
The above conditions only worsen with time if the underlying condition causing the underactive thyroid is untreated. For those who have undergone a thyroidectomy, the cause of the hypothyroidism is likely to be the removal of some or all of the thyroid, and they should receive a doctor’s advice on how to counteract these effects. Complications of untreated hypothyroidism can include:
- Goiters
- Heart disease
- Mental decline
- Myxedema
To reiterate: the effects of hypothyroidism do get worse over time if you do not seek treatment for this condition. It is critically important that you and your doctor identify the cause of hypothyroidism, which could be worsened by other factors outside of your thyroidectomy.
What You Need to Know About the Causes of Hypothyroidism
Mayo Clinic reports that some causes of hypothyroidism can include:
Thyroid Surgery
If you have undergone a thyroidectomy, it would seemingly be the most likely cause of your underactive thyroid, and you may wonder how long thyroid hormone stays in the body after this procedure. Removing some or all of any body part is likely to diminish the capacity for it to function, and the thyroid gland is no exception.
Adverse Reaction to Medication
Most medications have side effects, and some of them may impact the function of the thyroid gland. If you have recently taken a new medication and feel sluggish, are gaining weight, or feel the other possible symptoms of an underactive thyroid, talk to your doctor about whether your medication could be the cause.
An Overcorrected Hyperthyroidism Treatment
Those who have an overactive thyroid may experience symptoms that tax their bodies and require treatment. However, sometimes treatment for hyperthyroidism can result in a thyroid that does not produce enough hormones.
Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or Hashimoto’s disease, can direct the body’s immune system against its own thyroid gland. This can cause the abnormal function of the gland, whether that manifests as hypothyroidism or otherwise.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy is typically called for when somebody has cancer. If the cancer is in the neck or head area, then the radiation may disrupt the normal function of the thyroid gland, causing hypothyroidism.
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Bio-Identical Hormones May Improve or Restore Healthy Thyroid Functions
If you have undergone a thyroidectomy, then your thyroid may be completely gone. While your thyroid may never perform the role it once fulfilled, there are forms of treatment that induce the same functions that your thyroid gland once did.
What to Know About Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy entails acquiring a prescription from a doctor. The goal of this therapy is to replace the hormones that your thyroid gland no longer produces in the necessary amounts.
Your doctor will put you through blood tests to determine the amount of TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone, in your system. This, along with the hormones T3 and T4, will determine the dosage of replacement thyroid hormone that you require.
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Call Our Team at HealthGAINS Today
HealthGAINS administers thyroid hormone replacement therapy to those who are lacking proper thyroid gland function. Call our team today at (305) 912-8828 to discuss whether you are a candidate for thyroid hormone replacement therapy, and how we can help you obtain the treatment you need.
We employ doctors to meet with you and prescribe hormone replacements tailored for you, in conjunction with lifestyle and diet plans. It is illegal to sell thyroid replacement hormones without a doctor’s prescription, so be on the lookout for “scam products.”
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