You may have seen some men who have low testosterone levels (low T) turn to anabolic steroids. Steroids increase testosterone levels, but they have many negative side effects.
One of these is the phenomenon we call “roid rage.” This refers to a combination of destructive, angry behaviors. Despite its cute nickname, this is a serious condition.
It’s not your low T that causes the rage. If you’re using steroids without a doctor’s prescription, you are likely to feel higher levels of irritability, anger and impatience.
What Are Steroids?
Anabolic steroids are synthetic forms of testosterone. Doctors prescribe steroids to men who have had certain hormone problems. Some people take them to speed healing after a surgery or long-term illness.
Steroids are legal and safe when they’re prescribed by a doctor. They serve a real medicinal value. Why do they have a poor reputation?
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How Do People Use Steroids?
Unfortunately, they developed a bad reputation because some people have abused them. Because steroids help build muscle and improve athlete performance, we associate their abuse with athletes and bodybuilders. Many people who are not athletes, however, also abuse steroids.
To make matters worse, people who take steroids without a prescription frequently take them the wrong way. They often inject them into their muscles.
Steroid abusers may take the steroids orally, inject them into muscles, or apply them to the skin as a gel or cream. These doses are many times higher than the doses doctors prescribe.
Some people make matters worse by “stacking” steroids. The term refers to using different types of steroids when the effects of one type wear off. Taking steroids this way is illegal and unsafe.
Physical Side Effects from Steroids
Taking steroids for a long time can cause serious, long-term physical problems. If you’re taking them to replace testosterone, you may find they have the opposite effect you want. Steroid use by men can lead to:
- Development of male breasts.
- Low sperm count.
- Shrunken testicles.
- Hair loss.
- Acne on face and back.
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Long-Term Medical Risks of Steroids
People who continue using anabolic steroids illegally can develop serious medical conditions. The most common are heart disease and stroke. Recreational use of steroids can result in damaged nerves, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
Fortunately, these conditions are not permanent. You can reverse many of them by stopping steroid use.
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Using Steroids Can Destroy Testicular Function
One of the side effects of long-term steroid use is the shutdown of testicular function. That means your body will stop producing testosterone. Men who abuse steroids end up experiencing all the symptoms of testosterone loss. They frequently experience loss of libido, loss of muscle mass and lack of energy.
In a major study on steroid users and testicular function, medical researchers found that full testicular function returned to men about a year after they stopped using steroids.
Lead researcher Nandini Shankara Nayanara said, “Coming off these drugs is difficult, mainly due to the symptoms of hypogonadism. When men stop using testosterone, they experience lethargy, loss of vitality, sexual dysfunction, muscle mass and strength. These are the very reasons they started using steroids in the first place.”
Psychological Side Effects from Steroids
Steroid users have developed a reputation for “roid rage,” which refers to real psychological problems. Habitual steroid users have a low tolerance for frustration.
In addition, users often experience extreme emotional disturbances like mania, bipolar disorder, suicidal behavior, psychosis, delirium and sleep disorders.
Researchers in Sweden believe the violence of “roid rage” isn’t caused directly by steroids. In their view, steroid use acts as a trigger. Steroids allow people who already have violent, aggressive tendencies to act on those tendencies.
Steroid use won’t turn you into a criminal. It could, however, make you angry and aggressive.
Are Steroids Addictive?
They’re not addictive, but quitting them cold turkey can have some negative side effects. These include:
- Vomiting and diarrhea.
- Suicidal thoughts.
- Inability to sleep
- Loss of sex drive.
Find a Safe Testosterone Therapy
If you’ve turned to steroids as a way to replace your natural testosterone, you’re setting yourself up for a massive disappointment. That choice leads to serious medical conditions and a total shutdown of your testicular function.
Instead of using synthetic steroids, try a treatment that uses 100% natural bioidentical hormones.
TRT Is a Safe, Proven Treatment
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the safe, doctor-approved and clinically proven way to restore your body’s hormonal balance.
Our treatment is:
- Free of dangerous additives.
- Completely natural.
- Fast-acting.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Will Help Restore Your Vigor
TRT has been able to help thousands of men and women get the most out of life as they get older. Instead of suffering through their body’s decline, these patients are able to cut through the mental fog, enjoy more of life with renewed energy and make every moment in the bedroom one to remember.
If you are ready to get control of your health and start experiencing all medically supervised TRT can offer you, call (305) 682-1818 to get started or to find out more today.
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