Before beginning treatment for growth hormone deficiencies, many people ask, “What will happen if I take HGH?”
There are stories in the news about athletes who got caught misusing growth hormones to gain an unfair competitive advantage. These individuals often take a combination of anabolic steroids and other substances prohibited in their occupations. Because many people associate HGH with stories like that, they worry about developing freakishly large muscles or growing hair in undesired places.
However, when people take the appropriate legal dosage of HGH to treat their growth hormone deficiencies, they do not need to worry about side effects. Problems arise when people abuse these hormones by taking excessive and unhealthy doses.
The only legal way to obtain HGH in the United States is through a doctor’s prescription. The physician should calculate the correct dosage for each patient individually based on a comprehensive medical evaluation and a diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency. When patients take HGH as prescribed, their symptoms should improve.
People May Not Recognize Symptoms of HGH Deficiency Right Away
It can take years for indications of a growth hormone deficiency to become severe enough for a person to notice. Problems may develop gradually. According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), common symptoms of growth hormone deficiencies include:
- Feeling tired all the time even after sufficient hours of sleep
- Gaining weight without dietary changes
- Lacking the energy to maintain fitness through physical exercise
- Unhealthy levels of cardiac enzymes
- Loss of muscle mass, despite workouts
- Psychological changes like new or worsening depression or anxiety
The pituitary gland makes and secretes growth hormones, which get circulated throughout the body in the bloodstream. Many different body systems need appropriate levels of growth hormones to function correctly. Over time, an untreated growth hormone deficiency can cause a person to become more frail and unhealthy.
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How HGH Therapy Can Improve Life for People With Growth Hormone Deficiency
Successful treatment of growth hormone deficiency can reverse many symptoms. According to Harvard Health Publishing, HGH therapy may lead to improved energy and stamina. People who do not feel exhausted and weak all the time are more likely to become physically active again, thereby improving their general health.
People’s psychological mentalities may improve, allowing them to enjoy a more positive outlook on life with less depression or anxiety. People often find that their interest in social activities and physical intimacy return.
Cognitive function may also improve, leading to a heightened performance at work and greater success. The likelihood of developing a cardiac disease in the future may diminish.
Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance may decrease. People often lose central adiposity, which is the extra weight around the waist. High blood pressure may go down to healthy levels as well as cardiac enzymes.
These are but a few examples of what will happen if a person takes HGH. Results may vary from one person to another. Factors that may impact the success of growth hormone therapy include:
- The severity of the growth hormone deficiency
- The body’s response to the treatment
- The appropriateness of the dosage
- Patient compliance with the therapy
An individual may have additional factors that could also affect their growth hormone therapy. HGH treatments should only occur when there is a demonstrable clinical need. When the treating physician performs a thorough evaluation of the patient’s growth hormone deficiency, some of these additional factors might become apparent.
How to Find Out if You Need HGH Therapy
Our mission at HealthGAINS is to help our clients lead their best, healthiest life. When someone comes to us for possible HGH treatment, we do a comprehensive workup, including a consultation, examination, detailed medical history, and lab tests. If we confirm a clinical need for growth hormone therapy, we will create an individual treatment plan for the patient.
All of our HGH therapy sessions happen under the supervision of medical professionals. We only use injectable growth hormones because they are the only form proven to be effective. We only dispense HGH by prescription.
People who are ready to feel the way they used to feel before fatigue, weakness, lack of interest, and stubborn weight gain sidelined them can go to HealthGAINS to determine whether they have a growth hormone deficiency. This medical condition is highly treatable. Without appropriate therapy, growth hormone deficiency may get worse.
Interested parties can get started on the path to better health and improved quality of life today. Call us at (305) 682-1818 to talk with one of our wellness advisors for free.
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