GAINSWave Therapy is going viral!
Last week, an article was released in both Men’s Health and Playboy Magazine discussing Ben Greenfield’s (the owner of Greenfield Fitness Systems) own experience with GAINSWave™ .
GAINSWave Therapy Testimony
These 2 articles describe this patient’s entertaining entire 1st experience with GAINSWave at the HealthGAINS office in Miami, FL.
The idea of sound waves or shockwave therapy for enhanced sexual performance may sound odd, however this podcaster can attest, that it has given him amazing results.
Best of all, GAINSWave Therapy can enhance sexual performance all without surgery, pumps or pills (like Viagra or Cialis).
If you want to improve your erectile function, read his article so you’ll know what to expect before, during and most importantly after the procedure, which you and your partner won’t forget.
What is GAINSWave Therapy?
The GAINSWave™ is an ideal, drug and surgery free, noninvasive treatment for to enhance sexual performance and improve erectile function.
The science behind the GAINSWave protocols were developed from low-intensity shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT), which has been practiced for the last 15 years. Primarily shockwave therapy has been used as a treatment for lipoatrophy (localized loss of fat tissue) and to break up kidney stones using high frequency acoustic waves, but more recently it has been used to as an Erectile Dysfunction therapy.
The therapy uses gently pulsating waves to promote increased blood flow to the penis by opening existing blood vessels and stimulating the growth of new blood vessels. The improvement in blood flow results in stronger, harder, and more sustainable erections.
The pulsating waves also trigger a healing response that “wakes-up” dormant stem cells and growth factors in the penis. The release of these “growth factors” also leads to the creation of new blood vessels, as well as the overall rejuvenation of erectile tissue.
Contact us to see how this revolutionary therapy can transform your love life.